Further evidence of rotational structure in26Mg

The 4.350 MeV(3+) and 5.716 MeV(4+) states in 26Mg have been studied with particle gamma ray angular correlation measurements using the reactions 26Mg( alpha alpha ' gamma ) 26Mg with Ge(Li) detectors. Branching ratios and E2/M1 mixing ratios were deduced; in particular a new 815 keV transition (5.716 to 4.901 MeV) has been found. The E2 transition strengths of the cascading gamma rays with 1366 keV (4+ to 3+) and 1412 keV (3+ to 2+) of 3+or-1 and 9-3+4 Weisskopf units respectively support the assignment of the 4.350 and 5.716 MeV states to the Kpi =2+ rotational band based on the 2.938 MeV (2+) states. The results are compared with recent deformed shell model calculations. Nineteen further states between 6 and 9.1 MeV were excited; a decay scheme has been established and several branching ratios are reported. The possible assignment of high spins to some of the higher states is discussed.

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