Inhibition of the Formation of Photosynthetic Enzymes by Inhibitors of Photosynthesis

It has been shown previously that an increase in ribulose diphosphate carboxylase activity occurs upon brief illumination of leaves of dark-grown Zea mays plants; an increase in ribose 5-phosphate isomerase occurs after prolonged illumination. Both of these responses to illumination are inhibited by chloramphenicol. The administration of p-chlorophenyldimethylurea, an inhibitor of photosynthesis, to etiolated maize does not affect the normal early rise in ribulose diphosphate carboxylase activity when the leaves are illuminated but does block the increase in ribose 5-phosphate isomerase. This pattern of response suggests that photosynthetic activity is required for the increase in isomerase—perhaps products of photosynthesis induce isomerase synthesis—but that the level of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase is controlled by other processes. Chlorophyll formation (as has been shown by others) is slightly suppressed by the inhibitor; levels of total soluble leaf protein appear to be unaffected. Salicylaldoxime, which is a more general inhibitor of metabolism than p-chlorophenyldimethylurea, arrests the normally observed increases of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase, ribose 5-phosphate isomerase, and chlorophyll during illumination of dark-grown maize. The level of soluble leaf protein is also lower in leaves treated with this compound.