Paraphysomonas faveolatasp. nov. (Chrysophyceae), a fourth marine species with meshwork body-scales

Paraphysomonas faveolata sp. nov., the eighth described species of this genus of colourless chrysophycean flagellates, has heterokont flagellation, parabasal nucleus and silicified body-scales. It is the fourth known species with meshwork scales, these being of two types: flat “cobweb” scales and scales with a planar “honeycombed” extension arising from a “cobweb” base. The organism is compared with the other species of the genus and the case considered for placing forms with meshwork scales in a new genus, separate from forms with spined scales. This step is not taken and the taxonomic status of the genus is discussed in relation to the Ochromonadaceae and other genera of the Synuraceae.