Effect of Calcium Salt of Versene upon Metabolism of Plutonium in the Rat.

A study was made of the effect of the Ca salt of Versene upon increasing the excretion of Pu admn. by intraven. injn. Versene was admn. orally for 1 day and daily for 15 days, there being 3.5% in the diet. No appreciable effect was observed. Intraperit. admn. of Versene at a level of 600 mg./kg. produced a measurable increase of urinary excretion when given as a single dose. When Versene was withheld for 25 days then given by intraperit. injn. at the same dose level there was an elevated urinary and fecal excretion and an insignificant depletion from the skeleton. These observations indicate that Versene is of very little practical value in the treatment of chronic Pu poisoning when given either orally or parenterally.