Expression of genes of the T-cell antigen receptor complex in precursor thymocytes

The antigen receptor on T lymphocytes has recently been characterized as a heterodimeric, transmembrane glycoprotein consisting of disulphide-linked alpha (acidic) and beta (basic) subunits of relative molecular mass (Mr) 40,000-45,000 each. The genes encoding these proteins have been cloned and shown to resemble immunoglobulin genes in both overall structure and the requirement for DNA rearrangement before expression. In humans, three additional proteins, termed the T3 complex, are found associated with the clonotypic receptor, and a role for T3 in receptor expression has been proposed. Despite these recent advances in characterizing the antigen receptor complex, there is as yet little understanding of T-cell maturation, particularly the stage of T-cell ontogeny at which the genes encoding the antigen receptor and its associated structures are expressed and assembled. In the adult, stem cells destined to differentiate into T cells arise in the bone marrow and migrate to the thymus, where T-cell precursors proliferate, develop a preference for recognizing antigens in the context of self MHC molecules and are released to the periphery. Recently, cells that have the properties of immature murine thymocytes have been isolated and described. We have now analysed these cells with a series of molecular probes and we describe three distinct patterns of T-cell antigen receptor gene rearrangements in developing thymocytes.