Kinetics of the Ignition of Fuels in Artificial Air Mixtures. II: Oxidation of Propyne

Shock tube measurements of the ignition delay times of propyne-oxygen-nitrogen and propyne-oxygen-argon mixtures are presented. Temperatures in the range of 1125-2000 K are achieved and the reflected pressure varies from 4 to 13 atmospheres. The measured delay times are well correlated by the following overall kinetic equation The reaction mechanism for propyne-oxygen-nitrogen and propyne-oxygen-argon mixtures is investigated numerically using the routines LSODE and CHEMEQ. This investigation resulted in a kinetic scheme of 68 reactions among 26 species. The agreement between the measured ignition delay times and the numerical calculations is mixed. An overall ignition delay time correlation deduced from the numerical predictions is more similar to experimentally obtained correlations for propane and propene than for propyne. For some of the experimental conditions, a detonation-like pattern is observed after ignition. This phenomenon is investigated by comparing the measurements with calculated Chapman-Jouguet detonation parameters.