An infrared study of the annealing of electron irradiated gallium arsenide

N- and p-type LEC GaAs containing boron has been irradiated with 2 MeV electrons to doses up to 1.5*1019 e- cm-2 to produce bonded boron interstitial B(1) complexes which are detected by infrared absorption. isothermal annealing studies show that the B(1) centres decay near 200 degrees C with first-order kinetics and an activation energy of 1.65+or-0.15 eV: the pre-exponential factor is four times greater in n-type GaAs than in p-type. this behaviour is similar to that of the E2 electronic level detected in previous DLTS studies. It is proposed that vacancies migrate to B(1) centres and that the E2 level is to be associated with the vacancy.