Resonant impurity states in semiconductors in a strong magnetic field

We present a theory of magnetically induced resonance states in narrow-gap semiconductors and apply it to study the resonance states in InSb. By expanding the impurity wave functions in terms of the free-electron Landau wave functions, we obtain an infinite set of coupled equations. If the magnetic field is sufficiently large, i.e., γ>1 (here, γ=ωc2Ry*), only a small number of Landau levels need be solved self-consistently because for any energy to a good approximation, the coupling need be considered only between the adjacent Landau level and all the lower ones. The calculation of the energy and width can be made using a multicomponent generalization of the Kohn variational method for phase shifts. We have made detailed calculations for the lowest resonant state associated with the n=1 Landau level. Screened potentials were used primarily because they simplify the numberical calculation, but the procedure is applicable without modification to any potential V(z) which goes to zero faster than 1z. Furthermore, although we have used the parabolic band model, the method can be readily modified to include nonparabolicity.