RNA Polymerase Bypass at Sites of Dihydrouracil: Implications for Transcriptional Mutagenesis

Dihydrouracil (DHU) is a major base damage product formed from cytosine following exposure of DNA to ionizing radiation under anoxic conditions. To gain insight into the DNA lesion structural requirements for RNA polymerase arrest or bypass at various DNA damages located on the transcribed strand during elongation, DHU was placed onto promoter-containing DNA templates 20 nucleotides downstream from the transcription start site. In vitro, single-round transcription experiments carried out with SP6 and T7 RNA polymerases revealed that following a brief pause at the DHU site, both enzymes efficiently bypass this lesion with subsequent rapid generation of full-length runoff transcripts. Direct sequence analysis of these transcripts indicated that both RNA polymerases insert primarily adenine opposite to the DHU site, resulting in a G-to-A transition mutation in the lesion bypass product. Such bypass and insertion events at DHU sites (or other types of DNA damages), if they occur in vivo, have a number of important implications for both the repair of such lesions and the DNA damage-induced production of mutant proteins at the level of transcription (transcriptional mutagenesis).