Observation of hyperfine splitting on an x-ray laser transition
- 14 June 1993
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review Letters
- Vol. 70 (24) , 3713-3716
- https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.70.3713
We report the first observation of hyperfine splitting on an x-ray laser transition. Hyperfine splitting can have a major impact on laser gain and help explain anomalous behavior and poor performance of x-ray lasers with odd Z. In our experiments we measure the line shape of the J=0→1, 3p→3s transition in Ne-like Nb and Zr and observe a 28 mÅ splitting between the two largest hyperfine components in the Nb (Z=41) line at 145.9 Å, in good agreement with theory. As predicted, no splitting is observed in Zr (Z=40).Keywords
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