Computer simulations have been used to explore the scaling properties of the growth probability measures and harmonic measure for a variety of fractal objects. In all cases we have studied the normalized distribution of growth or contact probabilities, N(P), for clusters with different masses, M, can be scaled onto a single curve using the scaling form ln(PN(P)lnM]=ln(M)g‘(ln(P)/ln(M)). The scaling function g’(x) is related to the function f(α) of Halsey et al. by g’(x)=D1f(-Dx), where D is the fractal dimensionality of the set on which the measure resides. Here f(α) is the fractal dimensionality of the subset which supports singularities of type α. Similarly, for diffusion-limited aggregation on strips of width L and columns of area L×L we find that ln[PN(P)=ln(L)h(ln(P)/ln(L)), where h(x)=f(-x) and N(PP is the number of sites with growth probabilities (also harmonic measure probabilities in this case) in the range P to P+δP. Our results indicate that the ideas recently developed by Halsey et al. and the earlier ideas of Mandelbrot are applicable to a broad range of processes on fractal aggregates as well as to dynamic systems with fractal properties.