Stromal Stem Cells: Marrow‐Derived Osteogenic Precursors

Evidence is discussed for the hypothesis that there are stromal stem cells present in the soft connective tissues associated with marrow and bone surfaces that are able to give rise to a number of different cell lines including the osteogenic line. Fibroblastic colonies, each derived from a single colony‐forming unit fibroblastic (CFU‐F), are formed when marrow cells are cultured in vitro. In vivo assays of CFU‐F have demonstrated that some CFU‐F have a high ability for self renewal and multipotentiality whereas some have more limited potential. In vitro studies also support the hypothesis and have shown that CFU‐F are a heterogeneous population of stem and progenitor cells and that their differentiation in vitro can be modified at the colony level. Factors added to the medium can activate osteogenesis in a range of multipotential and more committed precursors. Different stromal cell lines can be promoted under different culture conditions. The number and hierarchy of cell lines belonging to the stromal fibroblastic system are not yet fully elucidated and more specific markers for the different lines are required before a better understanding can be achieved.