Factors Affecting Flavor Development in Cheddar Cheese Slurries

Flavor development in small (750-g) slurries prepared from Cheddar curd made from pasteurized Grade A milk was affected by storage conditions, certain additives, and age of the curd. More flavor was achieved when 100 ppm reduced glutathi- one were added to the slurry and when con- ditions included incubation at 30 to 35 C, NaC1 concentration of 3%, daily agitation, and the incorporation of Na citrate, Mn, riboflavin, or Co. The harmful effect of prolonged frozen storage of the curd on the subsequent flavor intensity of slurries was overcome by addition of lyophilized lactic cultures. Limited analyses provided evi- dence of a relationship between the forma- tion of active -SH groups, free fatty acids, and flavor development.