Spin-density magnetization near magnetic atoms in copper:CuCr

We report measurements of the conduction-electron spin magnetization density m(r) near the magnetic Cr atom in dilute alloys with Cu. m(r) produces an effective additional local field that shifts the nuclear magnetic resonances of near-neighbor shells into weak satellite lines near the main Cu metal resonance line. We observe the resonances associated with six such shells. In a single-crystal sample, the anisotropies in m(r) and the electric field gradient split some of these into several lines with positions and intensities that change with the direction of the applied field relative to the crystal axes. These lines are characteristic of the shell symmetry and are used to identify the first-, third-, and fourth-nearest neighbors. A small limit is also placed on the allowed shift of the second neighbor. From the single-crystal anisotropies, values for the local Knight shift and electric-field-gradient tensors are obtained for some shells.