Four Easy Memory Tests for Older Adults

This report describes four short memory tests which have been developed for use with older adults. Three of these tests are recognition memory tests; one is verbal, one is visual, and one is predominantly visual, but likely to involve some verbal mediation. The fourth task is a verbal paired-associate learning test which uses two sets of six high frequency words. Normative data obtained from 107 subjects aged 64–81 on all four tests are provided. A ceiling effect was obtained, indicating that these tests are relatively easy. A validation study was carried out, in which a group of patients with a cortical degenerative condition was assessed on the easy tests, and performance on published recognition memory tests could be compared with performance on the easy tests. Several patients who had scored at chance on the published version not only obtained measurable scores on the easy version, but also obtained discrepancy scores. Possible uses for the four short memory tests are suggested.