The Effect of Whole-Body X-Irradiation on the Activity of Some Acid Hydrolases in Homogenates and Subcellular Fractions of Rat Spleen

The specific activity and distribution of [beta]-glucuronidase, acid phosphatase, and phosphoprotein phosphatase in subcellular fractions of rat spleen were determined in control rats and in rats given 700 r of total-body X-irradiation. In control animals, on separation of subcellular fractions, the 3 enzymes were concentrated only in the supernatant fraction, in distinction to the distribution of these enzymes, in liver, where the enzymes are concentrated in the mitochondrial fraction. Irradiation with 700r caused only small changes in the distribution of [beta]-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase. No significant change was observed in the distribution of phosphoprotein phosphatase. The specific activities of [beta]-gluronidase and acid phosphatase increased at 16 hours postirradiation, and by 64 hours they had approximately doubled. This increase was caused by selective retention of enzyme during loss of spleen nitrogen.