An existing ultrasound Doppler method for measuring cardiac output has been improved and refined, partly by locating the sampling volume higher up in the aorta while still using the aortic ring size as the effective transverse flow area. The basis for using this technique is the approximately rectangular systolic velocity profile in the aortic orifice in physiologically and anatomically normal subjects, and the fact that this profile velocity is conserved as the maximum velocity in the ascending aorta for some 3 to 4 cm above the valves. This higher location of the sampling volume improves Doppler signal quality, and does not reduce the accuracy of the method, as can be confirmed in each experimental subject. Together with automatic computer-based online signal analysis, the technique employed enables us to make continuous long-term beat-to-beat measurements of cardiac output in subjects without aortic valve disease or grossly deforming disease of the aortic root.