Serum Vitamin B12and Folic Acid Activity in Lactovegetarian and Nonvegetarian Healthy Adult Indians

Serum vitamin B12 and folic acid levels were estimated in 102 healthy Indian university students. The mean serum vitamin B12 level in lactovegetarians was 121 µµg. per ml. as compared to 366 µµg. per ml. in nonvegetarians. The lactovegetarians excreted a lesser amount of vitamin B12 in the urine. The serum vitamin B12 levels could be correlated with the nonvegetarian food intake. Despite considerably low serum vitamin B12 values, the lactovegetarians had no apparent signs or symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency state, and their response to injections of vitamin B12 as judged by serum and urinary vitamin B12 levels, was similar to that observed in nonvegetarians. The serum folic acid activity was also decreased in lactovegetarians as compared to values for nonvegetarians. The importance of these findings is discussed.