Simultaneous Determination of Associated α- and Glucoamiuse Using Cross-Linked Amylose

The method described consists in the simultaneous determination of the action of the amylolytic preparations containing the associated α- and glucoamylase, upon native amylose (a substrate for both α- and glucoamylase) and upon cross-linked amylose (a substrate for α-amylase). In order to know the percentage of α- and glucoamylase respectively of the total amylolytic activity, the fallowing relations are proposed: %α = 2.31 Ax/A. 100 and % glucoamylase = 100 - %α, where A and Ax are the hydrolytic activity of the amylolytic preparation on nonmodified amylose and on cross-linked amylose respectively, The present method has an error of no more than 11%.