In Vitro Immune Responsiveness to Vaccinia Virus and HLA

Because several lines of evidence suggest that HLA products might have an important function in the immune response to infectious agents, we studied the possible relation between immune response to vaccinia virus and HLA phenotype in 79 soldiers who received a primary vaccination. A low in vitro response to vaccinia virus was associated with HLA-Cw3 both in 49 subjects tested three to four weeks after vaccination (P<0.001) and in the remaining 30 subjects tested five to 11 weeks after vaccination (P = 0.035). Responses to unrelated antigens and phytohemagglutinin of lymphocytes tested before, three to four weeks and five to 11 weeks after vaccination indicated that this association was specific for vaccinia virus and suggested that differences in immune response to vaccinia were reflected in temporarily altered immune responsiveness to unrelated antigens. Our results indicate that HLA-Cw3 or an HLA product associated with Cw3 is involved in the cellular immune response to vaccinia virus. (N Engl J Med 297:692–696, 1977)