Using the path-integral method, we derive the analytical solution for the following one-dimensional diffusion in random media: ∂P(x,t)/∂t=D[2P(x,t)/∂x2]+λV(x)P(x,t) , where V is a white-noise Gaussian potential. A quantity τ=(16D/9λ4 )1/3 is introduced for the time scale. When the diffusion time t≪τ, the behavior of the average 〈P(x,t)〉 is essentially diffusive. When t≫τ, the random potential plays a dominant role, and the average 〈P(x,t)〉 tends to [λ4 t5/2/8(πD3 )1/2]exp[(λ4 t3/48D) (1-x2/2Dt)]. t)].