Synthesis of demethyl derivatives of istamycin A.

4-N,6''-N,3-O-Tridemethylistamycin A0 (9) and 6''-N,3-O-didemethylistamycin A0 (15) were synthesized from 3,2'',6''-tri-N-benzyloxycarbonyl-3'',4''-dideoxyneamine-1,6-carbamate (1) through an aziridine derivative (6) by an analogous procedure employed in the total synthesis of istamycin A0 (19). Acylation of 15 with glycine at the 4-methylamino group gave 6''-N,3-O-didemethylistamycin A (18) having interesting activities especially against Pseudomonas, but 4-N,6''-N,3-O-tridemethylistamycin A (12) derived from 9 showed only weak activity. The 4-N-methyl group of istamycin A (20) is essential for the antimicrobial activity.

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