Development of Sarcomas in Marsh-Albino Mice Following Injection of Desoxycorticosterone Acetate in Sesame Oil.

Twenty four male and female mice of the Marsh albino strain were injd. subcut. daily with 0.2 mg. DCA for 3 months. At the end of the injn. period 20 mice survived, all of which showed large subcut. cystic swellings. No malignancy was found 3 months after the last injn. but 6 months after the end of the injn. period, all mice showed large hard masses. Microscopic examination showed the growths to be myxosarcoma in 3 mice and fibrosarcoma in 6 mice. All of these tumors were successfully transplanted. The remaining mice (10 in number) all have large firm subcut. tumors.