The Structure and Behaviour of Chromosomes in Five Fresh-Water Teleosts

SUMMARY1. The present work deals with the structure, behaviour and number of chromosomes of five fresh-water teleosts.2. The diploid and haploid chromosome numbers in these fishes are stated below: 1. Nandus nandus48242. Anabas testudineus48243. Colisa fasciatus48244. Glossogobius giuris43235. Rhynchobdella aculeata4824All the chromosomes in each species at spermatogonial metaphases are acrocentric, rod-shaped elements, and appear at meiotic metaphases as rounded in shape.3. No diplotene stage has been observed in any of the fish and, therefore, existence of chiasmata cannot be ascertained.4. Chromosome numbers and forms in related fished have been discussed in relation to taxonomy.5. No sex chromosomes are identifiable in any of the fishes studied, at any stage.