Decay of neutron-richPr152andCe152

The previously unreported decay of Pr152 to levels in Nd152 has been studied from mass-separated activity produced in the thermal neutron fission of U235. The Pr152 half-life was measured to be 3.24±0.19 s, and its decay scheme was constructed based on γ singles and coincidence measurements. Excited states in Nd152 at 72.6 (2+) and 236.6 (4+) were established and the E(4+)E(2+) ratio of 3.26 is close to the rigid rotor value of 3.33. The implications of the above ratio for the systematics of deformation in this region are discussed. A γ transition observed at 285.0 keV probably results from the β decay of Ce152 with a half-life of 3.1±0.3 s, but that conclusion is tentative. The most likely J for the Pr152 ground state is 3.