Detection of C−Si Covalent Bond in CH3 Adsorbate Formed by Chemical Reaction of CH3MgBr and H:Si(111)

High-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS) yielded evidence for the formation of single covalent bonds between Si(111) surface atoms and CH3 groups from the reaction of CH3MgBr and hydrogen-terminated H:Si(111)(1 × 1). The vibration at 678 cm-1, assigned to the C−Si bond, was isolated within the spectrum of CH3 on deuterium-terminated D:Si(111)(1 × 1). The CH3 groups were thermally stable at temperatures below 600 K. The C−Si bonds are essential for enhancing the usefulness of alkyl moieties, which will lead to a new prospective technology of nanoscale fabrication and biochemical application.