Cl37(He3,αγ)Cl36reaction:γdecay of the two lowest lyingT=2states

The Cl37(He3,αγ)Cl36 reaction was studied at 18 MeV, using an enriched CaCl2 target. The γ rays coincident with the α particles emitted at forward angle were detected by two Ge(Li) detectors located at θ=90° and 125° Forty-two levels were observed in Cl36, essentially those seen in the (p,d) reaction. The γ-decay schemes of the two lowest lying T=2 levels of Cl36 (analogs of the first two levels of S36, Jπ=0+ and 2+, respectively) have been determined. The lowest T=2 level at Ex=4299.5±1.1 keV, feeds three levels: Ex=1165 keV (Jπ=1+,65±8%), Ex=1601 keV (Jπ=1+,28±5%), and Ex=2677 keV (Jπ=1+,7±3%). The second one at Ex=7564±4 keV feeds the levels at Ex=1601 keV (42±6%), Ex=1960 keV (Jπ=2+,40±6%), and Ex=2491 keV (