Angular Correlation of Gamma Cascades inGd155, and Levels ofGd155Populated by the Decay ofTb155

The level scheme of Gd155 has been studied using high-resolution Ge(Li), Si(Li), and standard scintillation counters. The analysis of the experimental data for this nucleus is impeded by an ambiguity in the spin values of the majority of its excitated states. In the present work γγ angular correlations in the decay of Tb155-Gd155 were measured using a Ge(Li) detector in coincidence with NaI(T1) scintillation counter. The spins of some of the levels up to the 648.1-keV level have been confirmed from various cascades. The analysis of the various coincidence experiments leads to the proposal of levels in Gd155 at 60.0, 85.5, 105.3, 118.0, 146.0, 235, 266.6, 268.6, 286.8, 326.0, 367.7, 427.4, 451.3, 488.8, 559.9, 592.6, 615.5, and 648.1 keV. A consistent level scheme of Gd155 is proposed and the spin and parity assignments of the levels are discussed. The multipolarity of the different γ rays including the percentage of mixing is reported.