Thermally activated flux movement and critical transport current density in epitaxial Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ films

In this article we report on thermally excited flux creep and the critical transport current density jc in high-quality epitaxial Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+δ thin films. Both dissipative mechanisms are governed by the highly anisotropic behavior of this compound which was investigated by means of the angular dependence of the magnetoresistivity (γ≥150). The activation energy U for thermally excited flux creep was evaluated with respect to temperature, magnetic field, and applied current density j. U(T,B,j) is essentially increasing linearly with falling temperature, power-law dependent on the field (UBα with α≊0.5), and almost independent of current density for j105 A/cm2. These experimental results are consistent with the concept of plastic flux creep. The critical current density exhibits high absolute values [jc(77 K, B=0)=4×105 A/cm2] and was measured for magnetic fields in the configuration B∥c up to 10 T and also with respect to various Θ angles between the c axis and field direction. The decrease of jc with increasing B was found to be significantly reduced in comparison to single crystals and prior results on thin films. A further enhancement in the jc(B,T) behavior could not be achieved by chemical doping through partial substitution of copper by zinc.