XYbehavior for the heat capacity at nematicsmectic-A1liquid-crystal transitions

High-resolution ac calorimetric data are reported for three polar liquid-crystal systems: octyloxyphenylcyanobenzoxybenzoate (80PCBOB), a mixture of pentylphenylcyanobenzoyloxybenzoate (DB5CN)+cyanobenzoyloxypentylstilbene (C5 stilbene), and a mixture of DB6CN+C5 stilbene. All three exhibit nematicsmectic-A1 one liquid-crystal transition heat-capacity peaks well described by the XY critical exponent αXY=-0.007. The critical amplitude ratio A/A+ (=0.99) agrees fairly well with the XY value and is inconsistent with the theoretically expected inverted-XY value. Correction terms also play an important role.