Critical behavior at nematictosmectic-Aphase transitions for smectic-A1and reentrant smectic-Adphases

We have carried out high-resolution x-ray scattering and heat-capacity studies of the nematic (N)→smectic-A (SmA) transitions in 4’-(4’ ’-n-alkoxybenzyloxy)-4-cyanostilbene with the alkyl chain of length 7 (T7) and 8 (T8). The material T7 exhibits only a single nematictosmectic-A1 transition where the SmA1 period is commensurate with the molecular length l. T8 exhibits with decreasing temperature the doubly reentrant sequence N-SmAd-N-SmA1 where the SmAd period is incommensurate with d∼1.2l. For both T7 and T8 we find second-order N-SmA1 transitions with identical reduced amplitudes and exponents; the critical exponents so obtained are γ=1.22±0.06, ν?=0.69±0.03, ν=0.63±0.03, and α=0.06±0.06. These are close, but not identical, to those expected for an ideal XY transition and they give ν?+2ν+α-2=0.01±0.15, in good agreement with anisotropic hyperscaling. The lower N-SmAd transition in T8 gives γ=1.53±0.1, ν?=0.88±0.05, and ν=0.76±0.05, in disagreement with all models. The heat capacity associated with this transition is too small to yield a reliable value for the critical exponent α. In the reentrant nematic phase of T8, the SmAd and SmA1 fluctuations are essentially independent; the SmAd fluctuations change over from being SmA-like to SmC-like with decreasing temperature in the reentrant nematic phase.