Three-Level Non-linear Selective Reflection at a Dielectric/Cs Vapour Interface
- 10 March 1994
- journal article
- Published by IOP Publishing in Europhysics Letters
- Vol. 25 (8) , 579-585
No abstract availableThis publication has 13 references indexed in Scilit:
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- High resolution selective reflection spectroscopy as a probe of long-range surface interaction : measurement of the surface van der Waals attraction exerted on excited Cs atomsJournal de Physique II, 1992
- Spectral Observation of Surface-Induced Van der Waals Attraction on Atomic VapourEurophysics Letters, 1991
- Nonlinear selective reflection from an atomic vapor at arbitrary incidence anglePhysical Review A, 1988
- Lifetimes of alkali-metal—atom Rydberg statesPhysical Review A, 1984
- The fluorescence of atoms near a glass surfaceContemporary Physics, 1980
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- Experimental determinations of the hyperfine structure in the alkali atomsReviews of Modern Physics, 1977
- Spectral narrowing of selective reflectionJournal de Physique, 1976
- Spectral narrowing of selective reflection from sodium vapourOptics Communications, 1975