Twelve ground state transitions up to about 5 MeV have been observed by the resonant scattering of bremsstrahlung from natural barium. Six of the first seven lines are from 2+ states in Ba138 as evidenced by the angular distribution measurements and the correspondence of the energies with known levels in Ba138. Presumably these arise from proton configurations. Of the remaining five lines four have distributions expected for spin 1 levels. The linear polarization of the scattered radiation for the first of these, at 4027 keV, suggests a negative parity. It is likely that this state is derived from the superposition of the one phonon quadrupole and octupole transitions in Ba138. Comparison with the results of other studies indicates that the other three lines are from neutron particle-hole states in Ba138. Widths in terms of the ground state branching ratios and the partial widths for decays to the ground state are given for the identified levels.