The wet weight of developing Heisdorf and Nelson chick embryos was found to be comparable to that of other types of chick embryos. Unexpectedly high amounts of protein were observed in homogenates of chick embryos up to the 5th day of development. The total nitrogen values of similar preparations increased steadily and were in keeping with the findings of others. The specific activity of carbonic anhydrase (units/mg. nitrogen or protein) of whole embryos increased abruptly between the 4th and 5th days. The increase occurred in both the anterior and posterior portion of the embryo and was not due solely to accumulation in the retinae. After days of development intracellular localization of carbonic anhydrase activity appeared in the soluble fraction. By the techniques used there was no change between the 1st and 5th day in the percentage distribution of protein or nitrogen in the centrifuged fractions.