Neutral (Cu-Li) complexes in GaP: The (Cu-Li)Vbound exciton at 2.172 eV

A detailed study of a complex defect in GaP created by low-temperature Li diffusion into previously Cu-diffused GaP is presented. This (Cu-Li)V defect is electrically neutral and binds an exciton with the lowest electronic state at 2.172 eV. The electronic structure of this bound exciton (BE) has a triplet-singlet pair as a lowest-energy configuration, with an electron-hole exchange splitting of 2 meV, while higher excited BE states are observed around 2.26 eV. Such an electronic structure is common for complex defects in GaP. It can be understood in terms of a hole-attractive centered-cell potential combined with a local strain field of compressive sign and low symmetry. Thermal quenching data are consistent with a conventional Hopfield-Thomas-Lynch model where the hole is bound in a localized potential and the electron is bound by Coulomb forces from the hole by a typical donor binding energy of 80 meV. The simplest model for the identity of the defect, consistent with the body of experimental data presented, has the structure of three foreign atoms in a configuration CuGa-Cui-Lii. Optically detected magnetic resonance data suggest that the Lii is located off the trigonal CuGa-Cui axis, so that the total configuration of the defect is bent in a (110) plane.