Quantum Theory of Light Propagation in Amplifying Media

A simple model of a traveling-wave parametric amplifier is discussed in quantum-mechanical terms. The amplifier consists of a slab of Raman-active material, illuminated on one face by an intense laser beam that serves as the pump mode; an optical-phonon oscillation serves as the idler mode, and the scattered Stokes light occupies the signal mode. With only a few simplifying assumptions, it is possible to solve the equation of motion for the signal field operator exactly. For large times, both an amplified steady signal and the quantum noise contributed by the material assume simple steady states in an amplifier of finite length. The transient and asymptotic behaviors of the signal and noise intensities are found, together with the corresponding first-order correlation functions. The quasiprobability distribution which specifies the complete density operator for the electric field strength of the amplified signal is also derived.