Determination of intervalley electron-phonon deformation potential constants in n -silicon by analysis of high electric field transport properties

The intervalley electron‐phonon deformation potential constants in n ‐silicon were determined by fitting the theoretical high electric field transport properties (established using an ``exact'' solution to the Boltzmann transport equation) to those obtained experimentally at 77 K. The principal contribution to intervalley scattering under warm and hot electron conditions was found to come from a 680 K f ‐type phonon (Df=6.85×108 eV/cm for coupling to one other valley) with much weaker contributions from 210 K (Dg =0.7×108 eV/cm) and 130 K (Dg =0.6×108 eV/cm) low‐energy g ‐type phonons. Good agreement was also obtained between the experimentally and theoretically determined repopulation versus field.