The effects of testosterone propionate upon reproductive performance of adult male rabbits was studied in 2 expts. involving 20 animals. The 1st expt. was run from July to Sept., 1947, and the 2d in Feb. and Mar., 1948. Sexual activity was increased rather consistently in both expts. This was indicated by a decrease in the avg. interval to obtain an attempt at ejaculation (reaction time) and also by an increase in the number of attempts at ejaculation. The quantity of the "glairy" fraction of the semen was increased in both expts. but no consistent effect of treatment was noted upon the volume of the fluid portion of the semen. No definite evidence was obtained for an effect of treatment upon the sperm concn. in the fluid portion of the semen. In some instances there appeared to be a slight increase and in others a slight decrease. The total number of spermatozoa produced during the periods of treatment, likewise, was not definitely affected. Inasmuch as there was a larger number of ejaculates during treatment, it would appear that the number per ejaculate was decreased slightly and the total number was maintained in part by virtue of more ejaculates having been given. The avg. motility of the sperm when tested in different dilutions with Krebs''s soln. was studied in the 1st expt. only. Treatment appeared to improve avg. motility in successive dilutions as high as 1 :12,800. Post-treatment effects were not consistent between the 2 expts. A greater continuation of the effects of treatment occurred in the 2d expt. when endurance tests were being run daily rather than at 4-day intervals as in the 1st expt. and when the weather was cold rath-er than hot as in the first case. Both of these factors, frequency of use and environmental temps., need further study.