Antibodies to hepatitis A antigen in relation to the number of lifetime sexual partners in patients attending an STD clinic.

Samples of serum from 421 patients attending a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) were tested by radioimmunoassay for determination of the prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis A antigen (anti-HA). It was found that 42.4% of 33 homosexual men, 39.4% of 218 heterosexual men and 38.8% of 170 female patients had positive results for anti-HA. The association between serological results and data on STD patients, using the variables of age, sexual type and preference, number of sexual partners in the preceding 6 mo. and number of lifetime sexual partners and age, was determined statistically. The number of lifetime sexual partners is apparently another factor concerned in the high prevalence of anti-HA.