Electronic structure of monoclinic selenium (Se8): Comparison withS8and trigonal selenium

High-resolution valence electron energy distributions are reported for monoclinic selenium (mSe, i.e.,Se8), trigonal selenium, and orthorhombic sulfur (σS, i.e.,S8). These data, as well as previously published optical spectra of Se8 are analyzed using our spectroscopically parametrized CNDO-S (complete neglect of differential overlap, spectroscopically parametrized) molecular-orbital model. The general features of the valence-electron spectra are regarded as direct consequences of the symmetry of the molecular units and the difference in s- and p-electron ionization potentials. Important details in the s-electron photoemission spectra and in the optical-absorption spectra, however, require the full power of the CNDO-S model for their interpretation. We conclude that the photoemission and optical-absorption spectra of mSe, like those of σS, can be interpreted directly in terms of the electronic structure of the individual Se8 and S8 molecules, respectively.