Warm-fluid stability properties of intense non-neutral charged particle beams with pressure anisotropy

The macroscopic warm-fluid model developed by Lund and Davidson [Phys. Plasmas 5, 3028 (1998)] is used in the smooth-focusing approximation to investigate detailed electrostatic stability properties of an intense charged particle beam with pressure anisotropy. The macroscopic fluid-Maxwell equations are linearized for small-amplitude perturbations, and an eigenvalue equation is derived for the perturbed electrostatic potential δφ(x,t), allowing for arbitrary anisotropy in the perpendicular and parallel pressures, P0(r) and P0(r). Detailed stability properties are calculated numerically for the case of extreme anisotropy with P0(r)=0 and P0(r)≠0, assuming axisymmetric wave perturbations (∂/∂θ=0) of the form δφ(x,t)=δφ̂(r)exp(ikzz−iωt), where kz is the axial wavenumber, and Imω>0 corresponds to instability (temporal growth). For kz=0, the analysis of the eigenvalue equation leads to a discrete spectrum n} of stable oscillations with Imωn=0, where n is the radial mode number. On the other hand, for sufficiently large values of kzrb, where rb is the beam radius, the analysis leads to an anisotropy-driven instability (Imω>0) provided the normalized Debye length DD⊥/rb) is sufficiently large and the normalized beam intensity (sb=ω̂pb2/2γb2ωβ⊥2) is sufficiently below the space-charge limit. Depending on system parameters, the growth rate can be a substantial fraction of the focusing frequency ωβ⊥ of the applied field.