Complexity of Coordinative Bonding in Thallium(I) Anthranilates and Salicylates

An inventory of the structural chemistry of thallium(I) shows many unexpected, almost random coordination numbers and coordination geometries that appear erratic and inconsistent. This nonstandard behavior is often ascribed to the specific lone-pair characteristics originating from relativistic effects. To provide data on a set of closely related compounds from which simple general rules of coordinative bonding at Tl+ can be established, three thallium(I) anthranilates and three thallium(I) salicylates have been prepared from Tl2CO3 and the corresponding 2-amino- and 2-hydroxy-benzoic acids and crystallized from aqueous solutions. All six compounds, the simple anthranilate (1) and salicylate (4) and the 3- and 4-methyl-substituted homologues (2, 3 and 5, 6) show different structures with large variations in the coordination motif. The coordination by oxygen in a geometry which covers less than a coordination hemisphere is the only common feature, complemented (only in 1) by a nitrogen coordination and by η6-coordination of one (in 1, 2, 3, 6) or two phenyl rings (in 4). Tl−Tl contacts for which “thallophilic” bonding between closed shell metal atoms could be invoked, are generally very long (close to 4.0 Å) or even well beyond the limit of standard van der Waals contacts. Hydrogen bonding is only obvious for the internal contacts of the amino- or hydroxy-benzoate ligands and does not contribute significantly to the assembly of the supramolecular structure which is dominated by oxygen bridges between thallium atoms. With the exception of 5, the formula units Tl[O2C(2-R)(3-R‘)(4-R‘ ‘)C6H2] are generally aggregated into dimers of various configurations depending on the relative orientation of the edge-sharing four-membered rings, and these dimers are further linked into strings or columns establishing N−Tl or Tl−O contacts and arene coordination. The drastic changes induced in the structures upon only small variations such as methyl substitution in 3- or 4-position of the ligand suggest that thallium(I) coordination is generally restricted to one hemisphere of nearest neighbors, but is extremely flexible in this realm. The open hemisphere may be partially capped by arene coordination (which is weak at a distance of ca. 3.1 Å to the centroid of the ring) or feature very weak thallophilic contacts.