Excitation spectra of the two impurity Anderson model are calculated by using the numerical renormalization group method. The critical transition found by Jones et al. is examined based on the model that the parity splitting is induced by the f - f transfer matrix, t . The low energy scale, ω l / T K , is approximately given as (( j - j c )/1.5) 2 +( t /23 T K ) 2 , and thus t suppresses the critical transition, where j is the exchange coupling normalized by the Kondo temperature T K , j c the critical value for the model without t . The γ-coefficient is proportional to ω l -1 , while the antiferromagnetic susceptibility to ln ω l -1 . The phase shift changes continuously near j c . It tends to singular jump as t →0. The parity splitting of the single particle excitation spectrum is enhanced by the exchange coupling.

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