Trophic interactions in soils as they affect energy and nutrient dynamics. II. Physiological responses of selected rhizosphere bacteria

Comparative microbial functions in the plant root zone were studied by evaluating rhizosphere-derivedPseudomonas andArthrobacter growth in chemostat culture and responses to root-exudate-related nutrients after varied starvation periods. These organisms were chosen to represent zymogenous and autochthonous microbes, respectively. In chemostat culture, thePseudomonas isolate showed increased energy charge and decreased populations with higher growth rates, whereas theArthrobacter had lower energy charge and cell population values which did not change appreciably with growth rate. The responses of these two types of organisms also differed with starvation. ThePseudomonas lost its ability to respire efficiently in the presence of several known root exudate components, whereas theArthrobacter isolate, in comparison, maintained a lower but more consistent ability to utilize these nutrients with increased starvation. TheArthrobacter also showed increased utilization of several substrates after starvation, suggesting its potential ability to function under restricted nutrient availability conditions. These results suggest thatPseudomonas-type organisms in the rhizosphere may best function in periods of more intense exudate release, whereas organisms of theArthrobacter- type may be more efficient at nutrient utilization during periods of lesser nutrient flux. Based on these data the rhizosphere-derivedPseudomonas isolate was considered to be an appropriate bacterium to use in more complex rhizosphere microcosm experiments where nutrient flux dynamics would be emphasized.