Interclonal and intraclonal diversity among anti-DNA antibodies from an (NZB x NZW)F1 mouse.

The immunologic basis for the generation of autoantibodies that are characteristic of systemic autoimmunity in mice and humans remains obscure. Experiments directed toward the analysis of serum antibody and the cell populations that combine to generate antibody in autoimmune mice have led to the proposition that autoantibody production, including anti-DNA, results from the nonselective, polyclonal activation of B cells. The present results from the molecular analyses of anti-DNA autoantibodies from an individual (NZB x NZW)F1 autoimmune mouse, however, are inconsistent with a clonally nonselective model for autoantibody production and are most consistent with a clonally selective, Ag-driven model for anti-DNA autoantibody production. These results demonstrate that Ig V region structures contributed by germ-line V region genes; recombinational diversity, including unusual DH gene usage and DH-DH recombination; and somatic mutation during B cell clonal expansion are all important for generating antibody and presumably B cell Ig receptor specificity for nucleic acids including native, duplex DNA.