Low Dielectric Constant Thermosetting Resins For Microelectronics

Material technology for future microelectronics will require advances in all facets of materials and processing. Low dielectric constant resins that exhibit facile processing and good thermal and mechanical behavior represent one area of needed research and development. The dielectric constant must be lower than that of amorphous silicon dioxide and possess the right properties for integration with future metallurgies such as copper. Several thermoset resins that were predicted to possess the necessary characteristics have been synthesized and studied. These include a copolymer of 1,3,5-tris(2-allyloxy-hexafluoro-2-propyl) benzene with polymethylhydrosiloxane and several cyanate ester resins. Thermal gravimetric analysis indicated significant degradation between 300 and 400 degrees C depending upon the resin. Dielectric constants were measured up to 40 GHz and ranged from 2.25 to 2.75. Compatibility with copper multilevel processing was addressed. The processability of the dielectric resins was investigated to address the integration issues associated with the fabrication process.