New Variants of the B16 Melanoma: Tumorigenicity and Metastatic Properties Under Different Culture Conditions

Variants of the B16 melanoma exhibiting markedly different tumorigenic and metastatic potential in A y / a and a / a C57BL/6J syngeneic mice were investigated and compared, with respect to their relative growth and metastatic potential after culture under different conditions. Over 2 to 6 months of growth, in vitro cells demonstrated a rapid and significant decrease in their ability to form spontaneous lung colonies. Such a decrease depended on the conditions of culture. We suggest that the in vitro environment influences the phenotype of cells with respect to their capacity for spontaneous metastasis. This possibility must not be ignored, when conclusions obtained from studies of established cell lines are extended to cancers. [J Natl Cancer Inst 82:952–958, 1990]