Razzell, W. E. (British Columbia Research Council, Vancouver, Canada) and P. C. Trussell. Isolation and properties of an iron-oxidizing Thiobacillus. J. Bacteriol. 85:595–603. 1963. — An organism isolated from acidic copper-leaching waters has been shown to oxidize ferrous ions, sulfur, and metallic sulfides but exhibit peculiar responses to thiosulfate. The name Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has been used to describe it. A pH of 2.5 is optimal for growth on iron, sulfur, and metallic sulfides, but cells free from iron can be obtained from growth at pH 1.6, and sulfur cultures adjusted to pH 5.5 readily attain a pH of 1.8. A stationary cultivation procedure appears superior to percolation techniques for studying the oxidation of finely divided metallic sulfides. Concentrations of soluble copper in excess of 1 g per liter were obtained from chalcopyrite in less than 4 weeks. Chalcocite oxidation proceeded in the absence of iron. Sodium chloride inhibits iron oxidation without preventing oxidation of metallic sulfides by the organism.