Parental origin of chromosome abnormalities in spontaneous abortions

Tissue cultures were initiated from 130 spontaneous abortion specimens and 81 were successfully karyotyped. Chromosome abnormalities were found in 50 cases: 12 with XO, 27 with trisomy, 6 with triploidy, 1 with tetraploidy and 4 others. The parental origin was determined in 11 cases of trisomy for an acrocentric chromosome. Two cases were uninformative while 9 non-disjunctions were determined and occurred during meiosis I: 7 were maternal and 2 paternal (both with trisomy 21). Three out of 7 cases with trisomy 16 were informative and resulted from a divisional error during the first meiotic division in the mother. All cases of triploidy were informative. They resulted from non-reduction during meiosis I in the mother (2) or dispermy (4).