Use of Prednisone in the Management of Some Hemorrhagic States

PREVIOUS work has indicated the value of ACTH and cortisone in the management of thrombocytopenic purpura (idiopathic and secondary), anaphylactoid purpura, vascular pseudohemophilia and similar conditions.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The therapeutic efficacy of these drugs seems to depend on a complex series of specific as well as nonspecific effects.14 Bleeding manifestations are strikingly decreased. For full therapeutic efficacy, however, doses of these hormones are required that often cause unpleasant side effects (such as salt retention, hypertension and potassium depletion).The introduction of prednisone§ has supplied a corticosteroid hormone apparently free of some side effects of ACTH and cortisone. It was believed that this . . .